Terms & Conditions
Diddi Drama Covid Policy and Terms Conditions
Diddi Drama takes the safety of all Diddi Drama Stars very seriously. Although health and safety has always been paramount, we are committed to implementing extra measures in order to be Covid secure.
The measures that have been put in place are based on government guidance and are subject to change without notice to continue to be in line with government guidelines.
It is vital that you read and adhere to the measures stated below. By booking on to a Diddi Drama class you are agreeing to fully comply with the measures.
Health Questionnaire:
Prior to each Diddi Drama session you must answer the following questions:
· Am I or anyone within my household showing any symptoms consistent with Covid- 19?
· Have I been in contact with a known person who has been tested positive for Covid-19 or someone who is self-isolating in the past 14 days?
· Have I returned from an overseas visit in the past 14 days?
If the answer to any of the questions above is yes, then you should not attend Diddi Drama for the time stated in line with government guidelines. If you begin to feel unwell during the session you must inform the class leader.
Class sizes
Class sizes will be reduced dependent upon the venue. To maintain social distancing, only 1 adult per paying child can attend. Where possible, the same adult should attend the sessions booked.
Younger siblings (17 months or younger) are still able to come, however you must inform the class leader that a younger sibling will also be coming to Diddi Drama upon booking the older sibling’s space. Younger siblings must always stay on the mat with the adult.
Unfortunately, during the Covid-19 pandemic class groups must stay as consistent as possible and so you will not be able to attend a different time/day to catch up for missed classes.
Social Distancing
You must stay at a 2 metres distance from those who are not from the same household at all times, including when you are arriving and leaving the venues. Mats will be placed at a 2m distance for adults to sit on. These must not be moved in any circumstance.
Parents/Carers are responsible for ensuring their child is at a safe social distance from other children. Diddi Drama realises that this may not be easy and so session plans will be adapted to encourage this including the use of ‘Super Spots’ which will be placed in front of the mats. Children will be encouraged to stand/sit on their ‘Super Spot,’ this will be done in a fun and engaging way.
Face coverings
Face covers must be worn throughout the session. This could be a visor or a face mask. Those under the age of 11 or those who are exempt do not need to wear a face covering.
All customers are reminded that they must comply with The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place) (England) Regulations 2020 and other such legislation that may be in force from time to time.
Hand sanitising
There will be plenty of sanitising stations throughout the venues. Please ensure that you use hand gel upon entrance and exit to the hall.
One way system and Class Crossover
Where the venue allows, a one-way system will be in place from entrance and exit so that social distancing can be maintained. Please ensure you follow the guidance for your venue, this will be made clear on site. Classes will start and finish promptly to ensure there is enough time for the venue to be vacated and cleaned between sessions. Please be prompt with leaving at the end of the class.
Please respect the venues policies e.g. many venues have a one household in the toilets policy.
All the props you need for the session will be in a bag on the mats prior to the start of the class. These must not be shared between households. Props should not be put into mouths and you should notify your class leader if this happens. To get the most out of the session, children should be encouraged to use the correct prop at the right time.
Although a high standard of cleaning has always be an integral part of Diddi Drama, we are going to enhance this further. All frequent touch points e.g. door handles etc will be cleaned between sessions. Each prop bag and its contents will have one use between cleans.
Track and Trace
An NHS QR code will be displayed at each venue. Ensure that you have previously downloaded the NHS Covid-19 app ready to scan the QR code. We will be required to share your contact details if asked by NHS test and trace.
If anyone booked into our classes becomes unwell, you must book a test and inform NHS track and trace of our details so that we can pass on customer details if needed.
Rights to refuse entry
Diddi Drama Ltd has the right to refuse entry without refund if someone is displaying symptoms of coronavirus or refusing to follow the Covid 19 policy and Terms and Conditions.
Lockdowns or Classes unable to run due to Covid- 19
If classes are unable to run due to local/national restrictions the remaining booked sessions will be provided online e.g. via Zoom.
If the class leader needs to self-isolate due to themselves or somebody within their household having symptoms, where appropriate the classes missed will be delivered online where possible. This will not always be guaranteed e.g. in the event that the class leader or a member of their household is too ill. If a class can not run online the monies for that individual class will be refunded.
Diddi Drama Terms and Conditions
Classes are booked in accordance with the published term dates. When signing up the location, time and dates will be clearly displayed on the Class4Kids booking system.
Classes can be booked for the full term or a trial of three classes are offered at a discounted rate to new customers. A maximum of one trial per child can be booked.
Once your place has been booked, you will have 24 hrs from the time of booking to make payment to secure your place. Payment must be in clear funds. If payment has not been received in that time your space will be reopened to others. Payment is preferably via card using the Class4Kids booking system. A small processing fee will be charged by the booking platform when paying by card, which may vary due to changes by the third-party provider. Alternatively, fees can be paid via bank transfer. Bank details will be displayed on the booking systems website. On occasion fees may be paid via cash, this must be discussed and agreed in advance with your class leader.
In Class Health and Safety:
Parents/carers of children must stay with their children and take responsibility for them at all times throughout the sessions, including arriving and leaving the session.
Parents/carers are responsible for the safety and well-being of their children.
Diddi Drama Ltd does not take any responsibility for loss or damage of personal items during or after the sessions.
Diddi Drama is targeted at 18 months to 5-year olds. Although this is a guideline only, children must be steady on their feet when booked on.
Younger siblings (17 months and younger) of paying customers may come to the session free of charge, however parents/carers must be vigilant and take responsibility for their health and wellbeing as props/activities may not be suitable for that age range.
A range of props, instruments and toys are used in the session, we ask that you closely supervise your child throughout the activities and insist that children should not put these in their mouths.
Classes start promptly at the published time – please arrive 5 minutes before class begins.
You must not attend a class if you or your child have a contagious illness for example sickness, diarrhoea, chicken pox or impetigo etc. Please take advice from your doctor and ensure you have followed medical infection control guidelines before returning to a class, e.g. after sickness or diarrhoea you/your child must be symptom free for 48 hrs or such other time as your medical professional advises before returning to class.
If you are unable to attend a session within the course, you must inform the class leader. An alternative session can not be guaranteed, however if there is space in an alternative session that week and circumstances allow it Diddi Drama Ltd will do their upmost to make this happen. This is not guaranteed.
Video and Photography:
When booking a place on a Diddi Drama course, you will be asked if you consent to photography and videos being taken for publicity purposes e.g. social media/website/press releases etc. This must be answered upon booking.
During the session, the class leader may take photos/videos, if you have given consent these may be used for publicity purposes. All photos/videos are checked so as not to include any persons who have not given their consent. If you have not given consent, any photos that you/your child are in, e.g. your child is mistakenly in the background of the picture, the picture will be deleted.
Refunds and Cancellations:
Diddi Drama Ltd are under no obligation to refund or transfer monies if you are unable to attend part of the term booked. Alternative lessons cannot be guaranteed.
Once the booking has been processed, cancellation must be made 7 days before your first session to ensure a refund. Cancellation can be made via contacting sarah@diddidrama.co.uk
If, at our discretion, a class becomes too small to function, Diddi Drama reserves the right to cancel the session before the term starts. In this event, in the first instance customers will be offered an alternative timing/day so that the class can be merged with another. If in our view this is not possible, refunds will be given.
Venues and dates may be subject to change.
In the event a venue is to be changed for unexpected reasons, Diddi Drama will use reasonable endeavours to find an alternative venue as close as possible to the original venue.
If a session is cancelled by the class leader due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. staff illness, an extra session will be rearranged.
Diddi Drama Ltd is not liable to perform its obligations under this contract in the result of a force majeure event. In this event, Diddi Drama has the right to terminate contracts and classes immediately by giving customers notice and refunds will be issued for any missed classes.
An excellent customer experience is paramount to Diddi Drama Ltd and we love to hear all feedback. In the event that you have a complaint please contact info@diddidrama.co.uk